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Mummy Monthly - 2 & 3 months

Time is speeding on in the land of parenthood. I cant believe Dax is 3 months already. Here is what he has been getting up to. 
*** I should note, he actually hits 4 months at the end of this week, I have just been slack at posting this update ***

Mummy Monthly - 3 year update

3 year update - my other name is mum

I have a 3 year old - say what???? Where have the last 3 years gone? 
We celebrated his third birthday last week and his party was on the weekend!
I left my dad in camera duty as trying to entertain guests and look after a newborn was enough for me,

Here's what Keaton has gotten up to this last year.

Saying - you can have a full on adult conversation with him now, I'm amazed at his vocabulary and the ease in which he can string sentences together. He does not stop talking from the time he wakes up, until the time he goes to sleep, he just talks - about everything and anything, and he remembers everything too, he is like a sponge and just takes everything in.

Loves - paw patrol, he is obsessed with it, he watches it before bed, and knows the words, he even has to have his fire hat on while watching it. 
He also still loves fire trucks, we actually had a fire truck birthday party for him this year.

Disliking - he doesn't like green vegetables. No matter what they are, he refuses to eat them.

He loves being a big brother, he calls Dax "the little fella" or "little froggie", on the occasion he does refer to him as Dax, his lisp makes the pronunciation sound even cuter.

He still suffers from lactose intolerance and knows he can't have normal milk. It's definitely not as bad as it was, but we just have to watch what he eats. 
He still also has his "ginger" temper and breath holding, it seems to be getting a bit worse though. He gets so angry sometimes and holds his breath and turns blue - he snaps out of it as soon as I throw water on his face. 

Other things he can do. 
Recite the alphabet, count to 20, and can sometimes count down from 10.
I am teaching him to spell his name. He can cut, draw faces. He knows Maori songs (heck he knows more Maori than me). He can dress himself, is toilet trained. Put on his shoes - he gets his own water, can kind of make his bed. Cleaning up is still a negotiation though.

He is the type of child who knows what he wants and will negotiate until he gets his way. He throws the occasional tantrum, and I have started leaving him to get over it, once he is calm he always apologies to me for what he has done, so fingers crossed that lasts. He doesn't have a day time nap anymore and by dropping that he goes to be around 7pm and sleeps until 6/6.30am - which is great. He is a great night time sleeper and does not wake to his brothers crying etc.

He brushes his teeth by himself and then I give them the once over - he knows if he doesn't brush them, the man will come and take his teeth out!

He says his prayers before most meals, and every night before bed. He says the same prayer my mom taught my sister and me when we little, and I still say it every night! I hope that he will pass it on to his children one day!


Mummy Monthly - 1 Month Old

Hello, I am back! I took a few weeks (okay 2 months) off to have another baby, and today was the first time I actually felt "normal" enough to get back into blogging. How how long it lasts I don't know, but I am going to give it a go.

I will get around to sharing my birth story, but wanted to make sure I kept up to date with my monthly updates, and seeing as Dax is one month old today, it only seems fitting.

So here is what his first month has been like:

Eating: He is a really good eater, some days he will eat for what seems like the whole day, which is draining for me, but great for him, as he is putting on weight nicely. He is exclusively breastfed. I tried to give him a expressed bottle, and he was not too keen on it, I tried 2 different bottles, so I think I will stick with the breast for now, and try the bottle out when I need to.

Sleeping: This needs a little work. Day times, I don't really time his sleeps, he does what he wants, as I go out, and people hold him etc. Night times, I was getting 5 hours, and that has dropped to 2-3 now, so not sure if he is going through some growth spurt/developmental change, but at the moment I feel as thought I am a walking zombie.

Loving: Cuddles with his big brother, and spending lots of time with me. Not that he has a choice, and I am sure its the same with all newborns (I can't remember what Keaton was like, but sure he was the same), they just seem to want to be with mum all the time. Not that I mind, well maybe a little when I need the toilet, or to eat, but so far I am making do.

Disliking: Long sleeps!!!!!

Doing: Not much really, besides looking cute all the time! He is starting to smile, which is very cute, otherwise he just eats, sleeps, poops, repeats.

Weight: around 4.2kg's - he's putting on at least 300g a week now, so can't complain.

Height: At birth he was 52cm - I have not measured him again.

Teeth: I would hope not

Nappies: He moved out of newborns yesterday and into the infant ones. Am using Huggies again, I find them the best for little babies, the older he gets the less phased I will be. Keaton uses the home brand ones from countdown for night time, and they are great (on that, he had his first "dry night" 2 nights ago - eeek, this could be the start of nappy less nights completely soon!).

Clothing: He has been in premie and newborn clothing, which I am now starting to pack away, as he has way too many clothes. Mainly in the 0-3 month bracket, so I am starting to put him in that size, just so I can get some wear out of them all before I have to pack them all away again.

I can't believe that Dax is already a month old, it has gone so fast, and its starting to sink in how much I took for granted with Keaton. I think first borns do that to you though. You so badly want them to hit all their milestones quickly, that you don't see how quickly time is going, and before you know it, they are 3. 

Dax is completely different to his brother. He has dark hair, and is generally a very chilled baby. I am loving being a mum of 2, and while I am in no hurry, I can't wait for him and Keaton to be at the ages where they can play together.

My Other Name Is mum - Monthly Baby Update
Happy One Month little Dax!


{Mummy Monthly} Keaton is 2 - and #Tuesday10

Keaton is 2! I am still waiting for his party pictures, so once I get those, I will post them, but in the meantime, here is what he got up to in the month leading up to his second birthday.

Eating: Still has love for the little red cocktail sausages. Is becoming a bit fussier with some foods, and will spit them out if he doesn’t like something. Still not particularly fond of some meat textures, mainly steak, pork, lamb and chicken.

Sleeping: Was a bit up and down, but that must have been due to the jet lag, but otherwise he is sleeping 7pm – 6 / 6.30 am

Loving: cars, and duplo.  it’s great to see this month how interested he is in little cars, he has to take at least 1 with him where ever he goes, and he will spend hours playing with them. He also loves his duplo blocks, he will build houses, cranes, garages for his cars, he just sits happily and plays.

Hating: me brushing his teeth. Still will only let Bradley brush them

Doing: Talking nonstop, pulling up pants, puts shoes on, learning to put socks on, can use the potty.

Teeth: 17 and the other 3 back molars are on their way

Nappies: Nappy pants, pull ups and the normal ones for daycare.

Clothing: Moved him into size 2’s now, as he has so many clothes, so would rather have them a  bit big
Things I want to remember at this age

  •    He asks for a team hug with his dad and myself, and he sandwiches  himself in the middle of us and gives a cheesy grin

Team Hug
  •    He has learnt to say please and thank you, but will say “please mummy, thank you mummy” in one sentence when asking for something.
  •      Says thank you to strangers (or people he knows but cant remember their names, and refers to them as Lady and Man.
  •    He likes me tickling his back before he goes to bed, and will ask me to tickle it every night if I forget.

Here are 10 of my favourite photo's of him from the last 12 months

1. Keaton at one of his besties 1st birthday parties

2. We won a family photo shoot, and this was one of my favourite pictures

3. Need I say more???

4. Ready for another birthday party

5. Play dates at the beach

6. He loves bikes, Bradley's friend has a motorbike and Keaton had to sit on it.

7. Cant go to a cafe without having a fluffy, or 2.

8. Sundays are fun days, because Keaton and Dad go to swimming lessons

9. We walked into this one evening

10. Picture from his latest photo shoot in South Africa

Feel like a challenge? Join in to the Tuesday 10 weekly link up - click on the link below!
Now that Keaton is 2, I am only going to be doing my "Mummy Monthly" posts annually, or maybe in 6 months time, will see how I go.

If you are not already - follow me here:
The Liebers

{Mummy Monthly} 23 Month Update

This time next month we will be celebrating a second birthday – where has the time gone!

Here is what my cheeky monkey has gotten up to in his 23 month.

Eating: Still loves food, has found a new love for tomato sauce, and wants it on just about anything. He also loves those little red cocktail sausages, which I think are revolting, but he loves them.

Sleeping: Back on track here – thank goodness

Loving: his pillow pet called Lucy (pronounced Loolee), it’s a lady bug

Hating: Tomato’s are still not a friend

Doing: number 2’s on the potty, talking heaps

Teeth: still 16, I can see the others there, but they have just not cut through yet/

Nappies: Nappy pants, and the normal ones for daycare – although I got him the 10-13KG ones and they are too small, so need to move up to the bigger size on those ones.

Clothing: no change from last month

Things I want to remember at this age

  • Has learnt to say please and thank you for things – manners are very important, so well-done Keaton
  • Now calls himself Keaton and not Dee Dee
  • Unfortunately is at the phase where the word Truck starts with an F – and he sees a lot of trucks. Is also obsessed with diggers and cranes.
  • Can put his own shoes on – especially his gumboots. Likes to wear my high heels, and brads shoes as well. 

I can’t believe how quickly he picks up things and how well he remembers almost EVERYTHING you tell him. It’s amazing, and I am so lucky to have such an awesome son. I can’t wait to see how he adapts next week when we are in South Africa, it’s going to be a big change for him, and so many new things. And when we get back home, we get to have his second birthday.

{Mummy Monthly} 22 Month Update

Please excuse the really bad quality of this picture
Another month has gone - I love doing these posts to look back and see how he has grown in the month. It really is amazing.
Anyway - here is what Keaton got up to this past month.

Eating: Everything - I think eating is by far one of his favourite things to do. He rarely turns his nose up at anything food related.

Sleeping: 2 year old sleep regression has kicked in, as well as transitioning into a bed. YAWN!!!! He is definitely getting better, but it’s been a tough couple of weeks.

Loving: his toy lawn mower, and little black push bike, shower time

Hating: Tomato’s – he has also gone off milk at bed time, he seems to prefer water, so is only having 2 cups of lactose free milk daily (about 200ml in total).

Doing: Rolling, and jumping, climbing on things he shouldn't be, and dancing. Can count with help to 10. Definitely can say, 1,2,3,4,6,8,10 - so will get the other numbers, I think for a nearly 2 year old that is great!!!!

Teeth: still 16, I can see number 17 is there, and I think this is also contributing to the sleeplessness, also the dribbling is back, and so are the temperatures.

Nappies: He is in Nappy pants now, they are just easier than the normal nappies, as he is super active all the time, and he can step into these ones.

Clothing: still the same – size 2 pants are big for him, but seems to be fitting into some size 2 shirts, I think at this stage, I would rather have his clothes a bit big, than too small.

Things I want to remember at this age
  • He has learnt to say “I love you” and “ABCD” – although a lot of the time he says “ AB dee dee” (as he calls himself deedee).
  • He tells himself off when he does something silly, he will go “Oh Dee Dee” or “Oh no” – it’s the funniest and cutest thing to watch.
  • He has learnt “do you want to build a snowman” – we have not watched the movie yet (he is not one to watch tv) – but as soon as he hears that clip, he will run over to me, and watch it on repeat for about 10 minutes.
  • The side of the cot has come off, and he is sleeping really well, it took about 2 and a half weeks for him to learn to stop coming through to the lounge every 5 minutes, and yes he fell out of bed a few times, we have a bed safety rail on there now, so he can get in and out, but cant fall out.
  • He is growing ability to play independently. With sorting our house out ready to sell, he was really good at playing by himself (under supervision), he would spend ages at his kitchen, or playing with this bike, and fire trucks.
He is slowly growing out of being called my baby, and turning into a little boy, and I am not sure I am ready for that... I don't think I will ever be!

See what he got up to last month

{Mummy Monthly} 21 Month Update

 In 3 months time we will have a 2 year old.... Here is what he has gotten up to in his 21st month.
 Eating: I am optimistic that he has outgrown the phase of throwing food on the floor. He seems to be eating a lot better – although he is not a lover of salad, it is funny to watch his face when he has a mouthful of lettuce though. Am sure in time he will become used to it.

Sleeping: back to sleeping through – I think it was just a week phase of him waking up during the night. Having said that – we had a 5.20am wake up this morning. I just heard him shouting “MUM” until I went in and got him up. (He never calls dad in the middle of the night/morning.... I think they are ganging up on me!!!).

Loving: still loves his kitchen, and water. He plays with his watering can and also his little spray bottles. He is growing more fond of toy cars, and will push them on the floor making the “brooooom” noise.

Hating: still not too fond of the toothbrush – he will begrudgingly let one of us brush his teeth, normally when I do it, I have to put on a stupid voice so that he laughs, and then I quickly brush.

Doing: Still doing potty training, well not really training at this stage, more of getting used to the potty, and asking him if he wants to go etc. He gets stickers on his chart if he goes, and a mini marshmallow. We have a long weekend coming up – so may attempt to give it a full on go then.

Teeth: still has 20, no change here, I thought he was cutting the last 4, but the dribbling has stopped, and I see no sign of the teeth so must have been a false alarm.

Nappies: still in huggies walkers 10 – 15 KG, have been putting him in the nappy pants, as they are easier they are also the walkers, but I think the size is (13-16KG), he also has Huggies Pull ups for potty training, in size 1.

Clothing: Have been buying all size 2 clothing, most of it is too big for him ,but he will grow into it. And Pumpkin patch pants are good because they have adjustable waists. I have been getting him some second hand bargains from trademe for daycare as well, as I dont want him to mess up his everyday clothes there.

Some of the things I want to remember about this stage are: 
  • Words, calling eggs Illys, starting to call me Mum and not Mummy (still calls daddy). Finally calling Enrie Ernie, and not Ardie. Says “Allooo” to everyone he sees, as well as “morning” and  "good bye" he also calls my nephew (who he has only met on viber and skype) – Mono instead of Matthew. 
  • He constantly wants to be where the action is, he definitely does not want to miss anything, he is always asking to be lifted up if he can’t see something
  • The use of the word “NO” – especially when I ask for a kiss
  • His growing independence – especially with eating and drinking. He has a trike that he uses a lot – and it has a clasp on it, and as soon as he climbs into it, he grabs it before I get a chance and says “DeeDee” (that is what he calls himself), and I know that he is telling me that he wants to fasten it himself. Sometimes he gets stuck, and then he will ask for my help, but most times he manages by himself.
  • He now wants to choose his own clothes to wear, if I am in his room and I open the drawers, he comes running in saying DeeDee, and then picks what he wants by saying “This One”.
He is at a really fun age now, and I love that you can have a conversation with him, and he understands what you are saying as much as you can understand what he is saying. Check what he got up to last month here

Until next month xxx

{Mummy Monthly} 20 Months of Madness

20 months down the line, and I still cant believe I am a mummy. Especially to this little guy!
Here is what he got up to in his 20th month.

19 Month Toddler Update

This month I have noticed Keaton’s attachment to Bradley increase. For the first 18 months of his life, I was the person he would want when anything happened, however as he hit 18 months, I have become second to dad. He constantly wants to be around Bradley, and cries when he leaves etc. In a way it’s nice for me, as I have a break ,and can sit down and have some me time, but I can’t help but feel a bit sad that I am no longer his number 1. I am in  group on Facebook for New Zealand mums, and I posted about it on there, and apparently it’s a phase,  and it passes, so I better enjoy it while it lasts. Anyway here is what he has been up to this past month.

Eating: he no longer wants me to feed him, he does everything himself now, either eating from the spoon or with his hands. One thing he has started doing more of, which is rather annoying, is throwing everything off his plate and putting it on his highchair tray and then throwing his plate on the floor.
Sleeping: has been mostly good. I am not sure if we are sending him to bed too early, his bedtime is 7pm, however the last couple of nights he was stayed awake in his cot until past 8pm and then gone to sleep. I think he is getting enough sleep, as he sleeps 2 hours+ during the day and about 10 hours at night if he sleeps from 7pm – 6am. We are going to try the later bedtime over the weekends and see if that helps.
Loving: playing with his “kitchen booking toys”, riding around on his motor bike. He loves to pick flowers for my parents on the way to their house. Shouting people’s names (he puts his head back and screams them). Being outside – he is such a busy body, and can play outside for ages.
Hating: Shower time and brushing teeth again – he likes to “brush” his teeth by himself, but really needs my help, which he is not too fond of.
Doing: Potty time, he says “ wee wee”, and “ potty”, and will use the potty if I take him there and put him on it, but he has not learnt to ask to go to it yet.
Teeth: still has 20, no change here, although I think his last 4 molars are starting to move down, he is getting a rash on his face, and increased dribble.
Nappies: still in huggies walkers 10 – 15 KG
Clothing: slowly moving into size 18months / 2 years, the pants are still way to long, and most of his shorts are still size 1, his waist is just too small to fit them, however he can comfortably fit into size 2 shirts.
He had his first haircut which you can read about here.

Next month is Christmas - and I cant wait to see the difference in him this year vs last year, he gets so excited when he opens things, so just know its going to be awesome.
Check what he got up to last month here

Until next month xxx

18 Months of Awesome

As I write this, it still has not sunk in… we have an 18 month old. Time has gone by so quickly. I am so annoyed with myself that I did not start doing monthly blogs when Keaton was born. Oh well, guess better late than never.
Anyway – here is what he is up to at 18 months

Eating  Everything, he is a really good eater, and there is little he won’t eat. He feeds himself with a spoon or a fork, and  has become less messy the more he does it. We also say prayers before eating, and he get so excited as we get to the end, as he says “Amen”, its just the cutest thing.

Sleeping: Luckily still sleeping through. He has been since 7 months. He goes down at 7pm, and wakes at 6am. The sucky part about that, is that its 6am everyday – 7 days a week. We don’t even use our alarm clocks anymore.

Loving: He has taken a liking to my parents neighbour’s son. Not that he has ever met him, but he knows his name is Peter, and every time Peter goes out, or Keaton sees a car that looks like his, he says “Peter”. It’s really cute how he picks up words that we unintentionally say.

Hating: Nothing really – apart from strawberries. He is not a fussy eater at all, but strawberries seem to be his nemesis at the moment.

Doing: Lots of talking, his vocabulary keeps on increasing, and it’s amazing how he is able to interact now. 

Weight: He is around the 12/12.5 kg mark

Height: around 80cm

Teeth: I think he is cutting his last 4 molars, so he currently has 16. We have been lucky that he has gotten his teeth quite quickly, I think by 16 months he had all but 4 left to go.

Nappies: he has moved into the Huggies 10-16kg (think they are the Walkers ones). Huggies are more expensive in New Zealand, but they really are a quality nappy, and will definitely stick to them with my future babies.

Clothing: Brand dependent. He is still quite short for his age, and he has a small waist. Some clothes are 6-12 months, and some are 12-18 months. I am trying to pack away all his smaller sized clothes, and put him in 18 month to 2 years. Most of the 2 year old clothing is too big for him, but there are some smaller brands that
he fits into. He has so many clothes, that if I don’t put him in the bigger ones early, he won’t get wear out of them.
Shoe wise, he is a size 3, but he has fat feet, so is wearing size 4’s. He seems to fit into Converse best, so is wearing those in a size 4 and size 5.

I have seen a lot of changes in Keaton this month. He is showing signs that he is ready for potty training, which is fun and exciting. We have had a few accidents, but I guess that goes with the process. He is also into playing with pots and pans, and his imagination is really coming out. My husband made him a stove out of a cardboard box, nothing fancy. He will stand over his “stove” and stir his pots and bang them. Other things he is into is watering the garden. He takes the watering can and makes "psssssh" sounds as he waters the plants, he a real busy body. He always has to be doing something.

I love all the moments I get to share with him, he is growing up way to quickly.

Click here to read my Mummy Monthly Posts